First of all, you guys... it's hard to type out a yelling version of the word "assemble". It looks like "assembl-eeeeeeeeeeeeeee", and it's suppose to sound like "assemb-ooooooooooool". Just to clear everything up, the word is "assemble". ActionScript 3.0 coders, assemble.
Now, if you were illiterate 10 seconds ago and did not read the title or the first part, I need help with some akshunskript tre point oh. Everyone should be familiar with the Vcam by now, right? Well, that junk is sooooooooooooooo 2.0!! We're into the 3.0 now, grandpa! We have Vcam AS3! Psha! Like, ever heard of it?!
Anyway, Vcam AS2 is great and all, but AS2 wont let me make the Vcam into another movieclip and whatnot to make it shake. Vcam AS3 will let me do that, which is solves a lot of my problems, but it wont let me have my navigation bar. If you have seen any of my animations, you will see I always use the same navigation bar which is handy both for me and youse guys ;). The problem is that the AS2 on the navigation bar wont work on AS3.
My query: Does anyone know of or have a navigation bar in AS3? OR does anyone have a Vcam that can be put inside another movieclip in AS2?
So who's gonna the first assface to say ", noob"? And who's gonna be the first one to say ", noob" just because I made mention of it?
(Screenshot of what I'm working on. Perhaps this can result as a non-sexual payment, or at least trigger some curiosity if anything):
First Comment!!
I'm actually useless with any action script
Hehe sowee